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Why you should read #ASKGARYVEE even though I didn't finish it.

In short, because it's awesome, and you learn a lot.

In actuality, if you've ever heard of Gary Vaynerchuck (or Gary Vee) before, you've probably noticed that he's a pretty bold dude. He does everything with a reason, and #ASKGARYVEE helps you think about things you otherwise most likely wouldn't.

Before I say anything else, please note that this book isn't just awesome for the social media nerds or entrepreneurs, it's, quite literally, for everyone because if it doesn't help show you what exactly you want to do, it will definitely help you see some things that you don't. Or maybe he'll even tell you that you're probably not cut out to do a specific thing. Whether or not you take his advice is up to you, but it's definitely an insightful read... and I'm not even halfway through the book yet.

Not every inspirational book has to have "INSPIRATIONAL" plastered all over the front cover. This one has about 40 words on just the cover and not a single one says anything about inspiration or motivation, but that's exactly what it is.

The reason I didn't finish, and why it's probably a good thing if you don't finish either, is because within a couple chapters, I was so filled with ideas, hunger and passion that I couldn't help but put the book down so I could start getting to work.

Now, I was on an airplane when I started reading so I couldn't actually get to work right away, but I did start a notepad on my phone that kept all the ideas from flowing too quickly from my brain. I think it's important to have something like that all the time though so you never forget an "important thought or idea."


That it's OK not to have it all figured out right now but to figure out what is important to you early on.

That there's dirt and clouds and nothing else.

That it's important to have a goal and make sure everything you're doing is, in some way, shape or form, helping you reach that goal. Whether it's becoming the CEO of a large corporation, helping others or even someday owning the New York Jets, find a goal, and do what you have to do without loosing sight of the things that should matter most (like family, friends and God).

That you cannot care what other people think if you're going to be successful. Because they will make fun of you, and they won't believe in you. It's your job to prove them wrong. You may not get there the first try, but if you don't try once, how can you keep trying?

That it's important to have something that other people care about. No one really wants to hear about your day unless something you did or learned will help better them. That's why I decided to start writing this blog about things I'm learning. It's for you to gain something. I want to learn, yes, but I want you to gain something from it; so I'm taking what I've learned and packaged it into a more digestible piece of content so you can not only understand the basics and starting point of something but also determine if it's worth your time to learn any more about. 

"If you want to move mountains, you've got to come with thunder." - Gary Vaynerchuk

With God's help, I'm going to try every day to be the thunder that moves mountains.

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