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What Fuels You?

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

I wake up every morning, and my mind is racing.

Already, I have a million things to accomplish before the day is over, yet I find the majority of those things getting done within the first half of the day. 

Why is it? It is my unoriginal talent for procrastination or my common lack of motivation in the later hours of the day? 

Think whatever you want, but I believe it's my morning fuel. 

We all have something that gets us going, and for me, it's my espresso and my Bible. Every morning, I try to get up a little earlier than I did the morning before to get my day rolling quicker. This gives me more time for the things that calm me down. Mornings are the most curcial time of the day, so make the most of them! I read as much of my Bible as I can, and I drink as much espresso as possible before it gets cold.

Routines are important, yes, but so is spontaneity. Picking around stories in my Bible is my favorite because I never know what I'm going to come across but everyday, it's beautifully unique and inspiring. The same goes for my coffee. If I have the same boring cup every morning, I'd go crazy. Change things up! It will keep you sane and make you happy. To help you in your impromptu mornings, I've created a helpful coffee guide so you can try new things.

So go for it, and let your coffee changes inspire morning changes.

an infographic to guide your coffee search

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